Smart Brain, Smart Learning

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'HB두뇌학습 클리닉', 두뇌능력 개선을 통하여 최상의 학습능력을 발휘합니다

모든 스포츠의 기초체력훈련이 경기능력을 강화시켜주는 것처럼, 학습에 있어서 뇌의 자각 기능을 개선시켜주는 두뇌훈련은 학습능력을 향상시켜주는 가장 훌륭한 방법입니다.

Interactive Metronome 프로그램

을 통해 정보의 순차적 처리에 영향을 주는 프로세싱 능력을 직접적으로 개선함으로서 균형 감각과 조절 능력, 집중력과 인내력 등의 향상을 통해 자기 생각을 정확히 표현할 수 있는 스마트한 학생이 됩니다.

  • 두뇌영양 요법?
  • 스마티 아미노산의 장점
  • 스마티 아미노산의 임상 사례
  • 두뇌영양요법의 영문 강의록
두뇌기능 활성화 최우선 원칙
- 소량의 다양한 영양소가 필요합니다. - 각 영양소마다 이상적인 복량이 있습니다. - 소량으로 시작합니다. - 내성이 생길 수 있습니다. - 복용의 타이밍의 중요하다. - 환경에 맞는 올바른 보조제를 복용합니다. - 뇌와 몸속에 축적되는 영양소도 있습니다. - 뇌 활성화 보조제는 몸 전체에 영향을 미친다. - 철저한 검증을 거치지 않은 보조제도 있습니다. - 사고, 학습 등 정신적인 활동을 많이 합니다.
뇌기능 개선 방법
- 뇌기능 향상 - 뇌 독성 물질의 제거 - Allergy 제거 - Food addiction (sugar, carbohydrate, fat craving)
개선 목표 증상(Target Symptoms)
- 집중력 향상(Attention), 실행기능 개선 - 기억 향상(Memory) - 수면개선(Sleep) - 불안 감소(Anxiety), 긴장이완 - 기분 향상(Mood) - 피로개선(Fatigue) - 분노 조절(Aggression) - 노화방지 - 스트레스 조절 - 음식 탐닉 조절 - 노화 방지
뇌의 정보전달 과정(뇌의 주요 신경전달물질)
- 도파민 : 집중조절, 억제기능, 생각을 운동으로 전환, 기분조절, 쾌감 - 노르아드레날린 : 각성, 급성 스트레스, 알람기능, 불안, 기분조절, 수면 - 세로토닌 : 감정조절, 내적인 안녕감, 수면(숙면), 통증, 온도, 공격성, 불안, 식욕조절 - 아세틸콜린 : 기억, 운동조절, 수면 - GABA : 억제기능, 불안조절
뇌의 신경전달물질과 스트레스
- 도파민 : 집중조절, 억제기능, 생각을 운동으로 전환, 기분조절, 쾌감 - 노르아드레날린 : 각성, 급성 스트레스, 알람기능, 불안, 기분조절, 수면 - 세로토닌 : 감정조절, 내적인 안녕감, 수면(숙면), 통증, 온도, 공격성, 불안, 식욕조절 - 아세틸콜린 : 기억, 운동조절, 수면 - GABA : 억제기능, 불안조절
도파민성 스트레스: 생각으로 인한 스트레스 (* 주의력 결핍 장애와 고도 수험생 스트레스)
- 행동의 두서가 없고 혼란스럽다. - 주위 자극에 쉽게 흐트러진다. - 감정적으로 과민반응, 신경질 증가 - 학습능력 감소, 쉽게 좌절 - 탐닉, 중독 경향 - 비생산적, 과잉 활동 - 시간에 대한 개념이 약화 - 집중시간이 짧다 - 일상생활이 흐트러진다. - 실수에 대한 인식이 부족 - 수면과다, 동기 저하, 기억력
세로토닌성 스트레스: 감정적 스트레스
- 성격이 급해진다. - 일하기가 싫어지고 흥미감 상실 - 공격적, 화를 잘 낸다. - 감정기복 - 이유 없는 눈물 - 폭식, 폭음 - 월경전기 증후군 - 불면증
노어아드레날린성 스트레스
- 공포감 - 잘 놀라고, 두려움 증가 - 시험 공포증
주의력 결핍으로 인한 학습부진
- 뇌의 전두엽의 기능장애 = 실행기능 장애 = 뇌의 도파민의 기능장애
주의력결핍 장애와 수험생과 도파민의 관계
신경전달물질과 도파민
신경전달 물질 기능 부족시 증상
Dopamine 기분, 기민, 집중, 학습 집중력 저하, 인지기능 저하
Norepinephrine 기분, 각성 동기저하
Serotonin 기분, 불안, 식욕 우울증, 불안
GABA 이완, 진정 불안
Acetylcholine 기억 기억력 저하
Endorphin 행복, 만족 불만족, 기분저하
도파민과 학습
- 도파민 : 학습에 밀접한 관련이 있는 집중력 및 실행기능을 담당하는 신경전달물질 (전두엽), ADHD(주의력결핍 과잉행동장애)의 경우, 전두엽의 도파민 부족으로 발생 - 도파민 부족시 나타나는 증상 (좌뇌기능이상 증상으로 표현) (1) 행동이 두서가 없고 혼란스럽다. (2) 처벌을 해도 효과가 없습니다. 고집이 세고 고지식하다. (3) 주위 자극에 쉽게 흐트러진다. (4) 감정적으로 과민하게 반응, 과잉행동 (5) 쉽게 좌절합니다. (6) 탐닉 및 중독 경향이 있습니다. (PC, 친구)
도파민의 공급
도파민 전구물질 (페닐알라닌, 타이로신) 공급 + 두뇌영양소 공급 - 아미노산 3종류 : 페닐알라닌, 타이로신, 라이신 - 미네랄 6종류 : 마그네슘, 아연, 망간, 셀레늄, 크롬, 칼슘 - 비타민 9종류 : Vit C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, 비오틴, 엽산 - 기타 3종류 : 대두레시틴, 인삼농축분말, 생강추출물
Brain Nutrition : 주의력 및 인지 기능 개성
1차 : 스마트 아미노산 (20가지 성분 포함) 1. Amino Acid : L-tyrosine, L-phenylalanine, L-glutamine 2. Vitamin : Vit C, Vit. E, Biotin, Vit B3(Niacin), Vit B6, folic acid, Vit B12 3. Mineral : Zinc oxide, selenium, Magnesium Oxide, Manganese sulfate, Chromium 4. Herbal: Korean Ginseng root extract(8%), INM 176 (당귀 추출물), Phosphatidyl Serine, DHA 분말, Lactobacillus bifidus v
연구 절차
연구방법 1) 연구 대상 - ADHD subjects (N = 30): 남19, 여11 - DSM-Ⅳ(1994) criteria for ADHD - Above 70 IQ on KEDI-WISC : IQ 99.38±21.33 - Absence of other psychiatric disorders, drug therapy - Age : 9.15±2.87 (7 to 16) 2) 연구 도구 [평가척도] - DSM-Ⅳ Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD - ADDES-HV : Korea Version of Attention Deficit Disorder, Evaluation Scale - Home version - CAP : Korea form of childhood Attention Problem Scale - BRIEF : Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - CPT (Continuous Performance Test): ADS(ADHD Diagnostic System 홍강의) [Intelligence 측정도구] - KEDI-WISC
연구결과 1) 복용 전/후 유의한 변화가 있었습니다..: 전(99.38±21.33) → 후(104±19.66) 2) 주의력 및 충동성에 유의한 개선이 있었습니다
두뇌영양 요법의 영문 강의록
Dietary guideline for greater concentration suggests high protein and low simple carbohydrate. Eating simple carbohydrates in the morning makes you drowsy around 10. The reason you need to consume high protein is because protein contains amino acids for dopamine production. Increase omega-3 intake. Reduce, as much as possible, consumption of artificial colors, caffeine, and nicotine. If you are taking sugar but the sugar level in your brain decreases, that’s because a sudden consumption of sugar raises insulin level, which transports sugar from the brain to muscles and the liver. Actual sugar level in the brain falls, so you become tired and easily distracted. Brain’s information transfer process. Dopamine transports neural information, and it is also closely related to learning and concentration. Dopamine controls concentrations, suppresses urges, regulates moods, etc. When students work more and think more, their dopamine levels increase. Stress reduces dopamine levels, which leads to procrastination. He can’t even sleep because he’s so worried. Wasting two or three hours just sitting around makes him even more stressed. His mom’s serotonin levels drop because she’s mad, so she suddenly yells and can’t control herself. Even cries. Noradrenalin is an alarm for sudden stress. If you have test anxiety, noradrenalin kicks in. Using beta blockers when you have test anxiety makes you feel a lot better. Serotonin controls emotions. Well-being sensor is controlled by serotonin. Dopamine and learning. In actual researches, lower dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex leads to learning disabilities. Rats without dopamine repeat their mistakes in passive avoidance tests. Neural transfer and stress. Dopamine is found mostly in the left hemisphere. Left brain maintains focus, right brain selectively reacts to surrounding stimuli. Reacting to all stimuli means distraction That’s a right brain problem. A left brain problem is not being able to maintain concentration. Looking at students and their dopamine levels, too much stress persistently stimulates the dopamine neural circuit, which reduces dopamine levels. This, in turn, causes distractions, irritation, and overall lower productivity. Treating these kids with meds helps them calm down. I isolated 1 rat out of 30, and that rat suffered from dopamine deficiency, so it tried to compensate for its condition by biting itself and throwing itself around the cage. Aggressive, compulsive, hyperactive, hypersexual; dopamine deficient patients all display these behaviors to relieve their brains from stress. Disorganized, easily distracted, emotional overreactions, learning deficiency, easily frustrated, addictive, unproductive. These are all ADHD symptoms. Serotonin is a well-being sensor. A mom’s well-being sensor breaks when her kid don’t listen to her. Usually, she is very irritable and becomes angry even at the sight of her kid. She can’t control herself. Serotonin supplement helps. Impatient, unmotivated, irritable, emotional, sudden tears, drinking. Noradrenalin is related with stress and test anxiety. Caused by startle. Right brain. Phobia, easily startled, and has test anxiety. Lack of dopamine causes frontal lobe lesion. Dopamine formation begins with phenylalanine, from foods, to tyrosine to dopamine. Tyrosine formation from phenylalanine requires magnesium, iron, vitamin C, etc., and dopa to dopamine requires vitamin B6, iron, etc. When tyrosine transforms into dopa, tyrosine hydroxyl intervenes and regulates the speed of dopamine generation, so not all building blocks of dopamine are used. Serotonin may not be regulated under certain conditions; that’s why serotonin syndrome occurs. Brain nutrition. This is a dopamine accelerator, made with amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Amino acid consists mainly of tyrosine, phenylalanine, and glutamine. Vitamins C and E are in there too, as well as minerals. Tyrosine content needs to be higher, but I couldn’t put more in because of the law. For amino acid supplements, essential amino acid content needs to be greater than that of non-essential. Research was conducted with 30 ADHD patients, with around 70 IQ. All of them were surveyed, and computer-tested before the research. We ran a pre-test and followed up with a post-test 4 weeks later. In conclusion, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity all decreased after treatment. IQ went up around 4 points. In these instances, motor IQ improved rather than language IQ. Reactivity itself rather than reaction to a learned stimulus improved. The results were significant. There was a similar study conducted in the US, where 150 children were given vitamins and minerals for 12 weeks. IQ increased by 3.0 points on average. ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia respond well to LCP, and especially to omega-3. LCP stands for longer chain poly-unsaturated fatty acid. The end of a polymer chain is called omega. Omega-3 means LCP starts at third ring from the end, and omega-6 at sixth ring. LCP is an essential element in forming a flexible cell membrane, which transfers cell information better. LCP can be mono-unsaturated too. Olive oil is mono-unsaturated fatty acid. Oil with not much LCP hardens quickly when you put it in the fridge, meaning inflexibility causes problems in transferring information. Taking too much omega-6 can cause inflammatory reactions. Same as arachidonic acid. Omega-3, and especially DHA, is essential for constructing the infrastructure of brain cell membrane, namely myelin. Antioxidants and vitamin E increases efficiency of this process. Do you know the movie, “Lorenzo’s Oil”? Myelin is like a highway of information channel between brain cells. Taysachs disease is caused by deficiency of myelin. In such cases, Lorenzo’s oil helps reform those lost myelin. LCP deficit causes dry skin, dry mouth, difficulty sleeping and getting up, irritability, etc. Taking 480mg of DHA for at least 3 to 4 months, and then cutting the dose in half and adding vitamin E improves conditions like dyslexia. Liver oil is rich in vitamin A and D, so you have to be careful. For pregnant women, taking 200mg of DHA everyday is recommended. Magnesium. 90 % of ADHD cases show magnesium and zinc deficiency. Magnesium helps with sleeping, muscular spasms, concentration, and constipation. It’s the same with zinc. ADHD patients have lower zinc in their blood than controls. If you child experiences loss of appetite, delayed growth, or white spots on fingernails, than think zinc deficiency. Selenium. A child who’s sensitive to chemicals needs selenium. Vitain C is a co-factor, an essential building-block of the nervous system. It’s also important for detoxification of the brain from metals. Vitamin B6 is also an important co-factor in making tyrosine hydroxylase and glutamate GABA. So far, I’ve mentioned vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and Korean ginseng as effective in improving attention. Can’t use DMA in Korea. Co-enzyme Q10 is now legalized. This is a Chinese herb; can’t use it here. Serine, globa E, and ibuprofen all help with enhancing perception and strengthening memory. For controlling mood energy. 5-hydroxyl triptofan is better than triptofan, although we can’t use it here. Triptofan is good because it’s an information transmitter for serotonin. But it competes with other amino acids when entering serotonin, so 5 HTP is much better. Kava. People in the South Pacific region are addicted to alcohol made from it because it has a calming effect. Passion flower, balm, lemon balm; all of these are banned. Grape seed extracts are good for fatigue control. Melatonin and DHEA help delay aging. ADHD and yeast overgrowth. Stressed children often have infections, because the immune system becomes weaker. So they are treated with antibiotics, but that causes yeast overgrowth. Yeast mainly uses sugar, but it secretes toxins in the process, so that’s bad. Food sensitivity to milk and corn. 6 to 8% of children of age 3 or younger have allergies. Allergy causes infections. 94 to 97% of children who suffer from chronic ear infection also suffer from learning disorder. Toxins secreted from yeast reduce availability of omega-3 and -6. Symptoms for yeast overgrowth are listed in both my website and my book. There was patient who got better after undergoing appendectomy. I think that’s because he started using a different antibiotic. You have to reduce food allergies, which are, unfortunately, often caused by common foods, such as milk and eggs. Heavy metal poisoning. Lead, aluminum. Continued exposure affects the nervous system and endocrine function, and lead takes the place of magnesium, calcium, etc. The body has an internal cleansing system, and vitamins and minerals act as important agents in the cleansing processes. However, environmental pollution causes mineral and vitamin deficiency, so the best way to detoxify a patient is to prescribe greater amounts of minerals and vitamins than normal. We can’t say that heavy metals and aluminum cause ADHD, but according to the test results, we can say with 89% certainty that people with high levels lead and aluminum also suffer from ADHD. Summing up what I’ve talked about so far, the first thing is to improve the diet, and then you need to reduce allergies, prescribe appropriate amounts of dietary supplements, solve the yeast problem, reduce chemical sensitivity, and flush out lead and aluminum.
Interactive Metronome (IM) was developed in the early 1990s and is used to help children with learning and developmental disorders as well as adult neuro rehabilitation patients. IM is a neuro-motor assessment & treatment tool used in therapy to improve the neurological processes of motor planning and sequencing. Motor planning and sequencing are central to human activity. From the coordinated movements needed to walk, to the order of words in a sentence, planning and sequencing are critical to efficient human function. Interactive Metronome (IM) is the only therapy tool that improves motor planning and sequencing by using neuro-sensory and neuro-motor exercises developed to improve the brain's inherent ability to repair or remodel itself through a process called neuroplasticity.
Clinical Foundation
The human brain's efficiency and performance depend on the seamless transition of neuronetwork signals from one area of the brain to another. Findings in a recent study by Neal Alpiner, MD, "Functional MRI Study of the Effects of IM on Auditory-Motor Processing Networks", suggest that IM works by augmenting internal processing speed within the neuroaxis. The key regions of the brain that are affected appear to include the cerebellum, prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus and basal ganglia. These parts of the brain are responsible for human timing as well as other day to day functions such as: sustained attention, language formulation, motor coordination and balance. The IM program provides a structured, goal-oriented process that challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones. The patient attempts to match the rhythmic beat with repetitive motor actions. A patented auditory-visual guidance system provides immediate feedback measured in milliseconds, and a score is provided. Over the course of the treatment, patients learn to : - Focus and attend for longer periods of time - Increase physical endurance and stamina - Filter out internal and external distractions - Improve ability to monitor mental and physical actions as they are occurring - Progressively improve coordinated performance
Because IM works on the core brain functions of motor planning and sequencing, it is being used uccessfully by : - Occupational Therapists - Speech Language Pathologists - Physical Therapists - Athletic Trainers - Licensed Rehabilitation Medical and Mental Health Professionals - Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Psychologists - Chiropractic Care Professionals - Developmental/Behavioral Optometrists
HB두뇌학습클리닉 교육 안내

감각통합훈련인 IM 전문가 과정은 지난 수십 년 동안 수 많은 성공적인 사례와 연구 보고서들이 뒷받침된 치료 방법으로, HB브레인연구소 박형배 소장(M.D., Ph.D,)은 미국의 Interactive Metronome사로부터 2007년 IM 전문가 자격을 부여할 수 있는 독점 교육 라이센스 취득하여, 2008년 부터 2014년 5월까지 IM 전문가를 200여명 이상을 배출하였습니다. (현재 전문가 교육과정은 (주)하스피 에서 진행하고 있음)

하이퍼포먼스 브레인연구소는 체계화된 전문가 교육 과정을 통하여 관련 논문 연구와 접근 방법, 프로토콜의 선택 등 보다 선진화된 내용을 제공하고 있으며, 보다 나은 교육 과정을 통하여 국민 건강 증진에 더욱 이바지 하고, 새로운 도전에 대한 국내 전문가 선생님들의 성공을 확신합니다.

PROGRAM 교육월일 교육비 교육자격 교 재


청지각 훈련
교재, 매뉴얼,
설문지, 챠트
METRONOME certification
교재, 매뉴얼,
시지각 훈련
교재, 매뉴얼,
IRLEN Ins. certification 교재, 설문지,
screener 자격자 한해 교육
IRLEN Ins. certification 교재, 실습,
kit lease 등
교재, 매뉴얼,

** 하이퍼포먼스 브레인연구소/(주)브레인러닝에서 실시하고 있는 학습 관련 전문가 훈련 프로그램들은 최소 15년 이상 임상 연구와 임상 프로토콜이 완성되어 그 효과가 충분히 입증되고 훈련의 효과가 예상되는 프로그램들로만 구성되어 있습니다.